
MNT Consulting Group Inc. is a multi-disciplinary engineering and consulting firm specializing in infrastructure design, land development, onsite wastewater systems, stormwater management, planning and development permit processing. We aim to meet the aspirations of our clients, delivering practical solutions to environmental, design and planning issues in a highly effective way, all the while pursuing sustainable solutions which focus on low-impact development strategies and innovative technologies.Our experience and knowledge of Simcoe County development regulations, unique site constraints, and the personnel at local government allow us to assist the developer in each unique project.

MNT Consulting Group Inc. assists in many areas of the land development consulting industry including:

  • Pre-Development Analysis in support of Land Acquisition Investigations
  • Site Plan and Subdivision Design
  • Development Approvals Process Expertise
  • Project Management Services
  • Builder Support Services
  • Approvals of Official Plans, Secondary Plans, Block Plans, Draft Plans, Site Plans, Zoning Bylaws, and Registration of Plans of Subdivision


Ready to take your project
to the next level?